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Story Matters: Amy Wilson works to connect the community with DITA's ArtPrize entry

Submitted 10-02-2013 under NONPROFITS

In SiTE:LAB, a performance group called Dance in the Annex (DITA) is up for a time-based award in the juror's categories.


Technique is not enough: Where Jerry Saltz and I agree on how to experience art

Submitted 10-02-2013 under OPINION

Walking into Critical Discourse, I didn't think I would agree with art critics but after listening, I found some common ground.


Collaboration, mixed-use, inclusivity: building blocks of the GoSite space

Submitted 10-01-2013 under PLACE-MATTERS

Placemaking occurs within the process of rethinking the traditional “information center” to engage a broader, 21st century audience.


The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio-- Fiber Arts Program

Submitted 10-01-2013 under NONPROFITS

Heartside artist and neighbor, Jennifer Beaven talks about why our Fiber Arts program has much to sing about.


Can art actually save cities?

Submitted 09-30-2013 under OPINION

Inspired by the ArtPrize speaker series talk, I ask questions about how art can save cities- and how cities can save artists.


Story Matters: Janet Peterson remembers rolling down Lookout Hill as a child

Submitted 09-30-2013 under NONPROFITS

Janet Peterson remembers her father taking the kids to Lookout Hill- and is reminded of her own memories downtown whenever she sees kids rolling down the hills at Meijer Gardens now.


Story Matters: Jennifer Prasad watches downtown buildings change, grow

Submitted 09-30-2013 under NONPROFITS

Jennifer Prasad stopped by our story fort when we were at Propaganda Doughnuts and talks about how she's seen ArtPrize - and downtown- change.


ArtPrize Venue Cathedral Square: Worth the Trip

Submitted 09-27-2013 under OPINION

Cathedral Square ArtPrize 2013


Impart: Local artist Brandon Belote sees links between art and science

Submitted 09-27-2013 under NEWS

Brandon Belote, Kendall Fine Art graduate, answers a few questions about art.


Re-Imagining Grand Rapids

Submitted 09-27-2013 under LOCAL LIFE

Eva Franch and Reed Kroloff reimagine GR this week as part of an ArtPrize speaker series event titled "The Re-Imagined City."

