The Rapidian Home


Catalyst Radio: Sunday Soup moves to (106) Gallery, wins grant in international Sunday Soup competition

Submitted 11-18-2011 under NONPROFITS

Sunday Soup, GR's original community microgrant, has been on the scene for more than a year and continues to grow.


Diversity and Inclusion lecture series to start Wednesday

Submitted 11-15-2011 under NONPROFITS

TEAM is launching its Diversity and Inclusion Lecture Series, starting Wednesday, Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. at the Grand Rapids Community Foundation.


Occupy GR to hold demonstration against Condoleezza Rice

Submitted 11-14-2011 under OPINION

The Kent GOP will host Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for the 124th Annual Lincoln Dinner on Wednesday. Occupy GR has planned a demonstration to protest the key roles that Secretary Rice held in the Bush Administration’s action leading into the Iraq war.


Hello, Goodbye, Hello again.

Submitted 11-11-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Join the Rapidian team as we welcome new members and bid a fond farewell over a beverage and a giant burger at Stella's Lounge on Thursday, December 1, 4-6 p.m.


We are the People, and this is our funeral: Death of the Middle Class March

Submitted 11-04-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

We Are the People (Grand Rapids) is hosting the Death of the Middle Class March on Saturday Nov 5th 2011. Starting at 11 am at the intersection of Ottawa St and Pearl St downtown, the march will emulate a New Orleans-style funeral (also called a “second line”).


The Artists of Heartside Gallery and Studio-- Neil Kaufman

Submitted 11-03-2011 under NONPROFITS

Sneak into the mind of local writer and artist, Neil Kaufman.


Artist reflects on ArtPrize experience

Submitted 11-02-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Alberto March reflects back on his experience at this year's ArtPrize.


Grand Rapidians celebrate Day of the Dead

Submitted 10-27-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

A collection of Day of the Dead altars celebrate the Mexican holiday at Grand Rapids Public Library.


The UICA's new Movie Theater is open, here's why you should go...

Submitted 10-24-2011 under OPINION

...In these cinemas, it seems that silence is undertaken voluntarily, nobody tampers with their iPhone or farts or rustles, everybody is fully invested in the vision before them...


"Telephone Tales," critiqued by Gilberto

Submitted 10-20-2011 under NONPROFITS

Gilberto, a member of the GAAH Press Club, visited ArtPrize and wrote about Marie Bergstedt's entry.

