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Peace Corps Volunteers Welcome and Sendoff - International Potluck

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Peace Corps / RPCV International Potluck

Dinner starts at 6pm, doors open at 5:30pm to setup.

Bring an International Dish to Share along with your own table service.

Share a memento and/or foto of your service.

Peace Corps Poster

Peace Corps Poster /Peace Corps

Peace Corps celebrates its 50 Anniversary this week in March. This agency has allowed over 200,00 mostly young Americans to serve in countries all over the world. Currently there are more than 8,600 volunteers working in 77 developing countries on important health, infrastructure and education projects.

The challenge for committing to this service came from the steps of the University of Michigan by President Kennedy. ‘How many of you who are going to be doctors, are willing to spend your days in Ghana? Technicians or engineers, how many of you are willing to work in the Foreign Service and spend your lives traveling around the world? On your willingness to do that, not merely to serve one year or two years in the service, but on your willingness to contribute part of your life to this country, I think will depend the answer whether a free society can compete.’
Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of West Michigan, a local non-profit group, will celebrate this anniversary with an International Potluck dinner on Saturday, March 5 at Our Savior Lutheran Church, 2900 Burton SE, Grand Rapids. All RPCV's and candidates for Peace Corps are welcome.
If you are an RPCV in the area and wish to attend, please bring a labeled international dish from your host country to share. Please bring your own table service. The work of volunteers will be honored with your contribution to a display of everyone's experiences.  Bring a small memento(s) and/or foto about your Peace Corps work for a table display by country and region.

"We continue to act as Peace Corps volunteers in our community by promoting the Third Goal of Peace Corps to share cultures and experiences which strengthen our understanding of the world and its peoples. It is our turn to help others working locally and abroad." said Mark Coleman, President of the RPCV's of West Michigan 
RPCV's of West Michigan website is

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