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Ottawa Hills

Our Infertility Story: Struggling to find support in the #1 city to raise a family

Submitted 11-14-2013 under VOICES

Recently diagnosed with infertility, we have been frustrated by the lack of support available in Grand Rapids. We are reaching out to Grand Rapidians to share our story, create a support group and locate a support group meeting space.


Teens wrestle with power

Submitted 08-09-2013 under NONPROFITS

Teens going through GR Initiative for Leaders' ACTIVATE justice curriculum are examining how they can have a positive impact on local justice issues,


High school students to spend summer identifying social justice issues.

Submitted 07-02-2013 under NONPROFITS

GR Initiative for Leaders teaches their new ACTIVATE curriculum.


Community Orchard idea taking root in MLK Park

Submitted 06-25-2013 under NEWS

Neighborhood organizers will bring 30 fruit trees to MLK Park and are asking for community support.


Area GRIL alumni graduate from college

Submitted 06-04-2013 under NONPROFITS

Three of GRIL's graduates go on to graduate from Calvin College.


Southeast Area Farmers' Market Opens June 1

Submitted 05-24-2013 under NONPROFITS

OKT brings Fresh Produce from Local Farmers & Gardens to southeast neighbors


Area Teens Take a Stand

Submitted 05-15-2013 under NONPROFITS

GRIL U Teens Take a Stand for Justice in Education in our Communities


GRIL U participants teens graduate from college

Submitted 05-10-2013 under NONPROFITS

Mario Adkins, Jordana Seebeck and Terrill Charleston, GRIL U teen leadership program graduates, have now also graduated from local colleges.


Ottawa Hills students pay it forward

Submitted 04-10-2013 under NONPROFITS

Ottawa Hills High School GRIL Leadership students read with Shawnee Park Elementary School students.


Stiletto Sweets turns hobby into sophisticated cakery success

Submitted 10-31-2012 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

Noddea Moore Skidmore, event coordinator turned baker, explores the non-traditional side of bakeries by starting her own, straight from her own kitchen.

