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Tanglefoot to feature GVSU assistant professor Susan Klein

Tanglefoot studio will feature artwork by Susan Klein, visiting assistant professor at GVSU
Flock and Tear (2013)

Flock and Tear (2013) /Courtesy of The Road Gallery

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Tanglefoot Building
314 Straight Ave SW
Loading Dock #8 (ring bell by elevator)
Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Peering Through (2013)

Peering Through (2013) /Courtesy of The Road Gallery

Susan Kein

Susan Kein /Tommy Allen

On Saturday, April 19 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., a pop-up studio exhibition of Susan Klein Paintings hosted by Allen + Pfleghaar Studio at Tanglefoot and The Road Gallery, NYC. will exhibit "Lavender Situation," a new collection of paintings by Susan Klein.

“This body of paintings explores questions of time, of accumulation and losses, and of spaces that become layered by history," says Klein in an artist statement. "In my paintings, I often combine imagery from separate places and times into one image. Usually, I begin with a landscape painting, sometimes rural, sometimes urban. I then work over those representational paintings, referencing the visual world of objects. The result is an image that is observational, somehow recognizable yet ambiguous. Traces of concealment and revelation remain and the paintings show wear and tear. Irregular surfaces, architecture, botany, gnarly branches, fences, piles of bricks - they swim together to create a dense visual obstacle course."

Klein is a visiting assistant professor who teaches art at GVSU. As of January of this year, Klein has been selected to join The Road Gallery in New York City. In her 12 year career, she has won numerous awards, grants and scholarships. Klein has most recently been accepted to the Arteles Creative Residency Program in Finland which she is currently raising funds for.

This special exhibition is open to the public. All paintings will be available to purchase.



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