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Red Cross Measles Initiative Throws Globally Conscious Dance Party

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The American Red Cross Measles Initiative, Citizenshirt, and local literary newcomer The Litribune Magazine are teaming up to entertain and educate the masses with “Dance Party: More Music & Movement.” 

Organized by a staff of dedicated volunteers and endorsed by the dance enthusiasts at Bottom40, Grand Rapid’s first globally conscious dance party will take place on April 10th at the Citizenshirt warehouse space at 955 Godfrey Ave. The “Dance Party” doors open at 8pm, with $5.00 cover, and the bass heats up at 9pm.

The event is geared to raise funds for the Red Cross Measles Initiative and increase awareness of the impact of Measles—a disease virtually eradicated in the Western world—on children in Africa and Southeast Asia.  This innovative DJ-driven dance party will feature the diverse musical styling of four Grand Rapids artists: DJ SuperDre, Spydre Murphy, DJ Curtis Avison, and DJ Kung. 

As if the obvious musical incentive were not enough, this 21+ event will feature cheap, charitable drinks, and a performance by West Michigan’s paramount break dance crew 61syx.  The “Dance Party” doors open at 8pm and the bass heats up at 9pm.  On April 10th, the global citizens of Grand Rapids will surely electrify the city with a rare, funky musical buzz.

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