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Upcoming Rosa Parks rain barrel party to protect water resources

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

West Michigan residents looking to save money on water bills and reduce local water pollution are encouraged to come to Rosa Parks Circle on August 1 to make a rain barrel for their home.
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West Michigan residents looking to save money on water bills and reduce local water pollution are encouraged to come to Rosa Parks Circle on August 1 to make a rain barrel for their home. West Michigan Environmental Action Council will be hosting a rain barrel workshop on Monday, August 1 from 6:30 - 8 p.m. at Rosa Parks Circle in downtown Grand Rapids. 

Rain barrels help conserve water by allowing residents to cut down on water usage. Normally, when rainwater falls on a roof, it travels into a gutter and through a downspout that is generally pointed toward the road, where the storm drain can take the water and whatever pollutants it may be carrying to local water resources. In Grand Rapids, it takes just 15 to 30 minutes for stormwater to reach the Grand River through the city’s stormwater sewer systems. When a rain barrel is installed, the water is instead stored in a rain barrel, where it is available for later use in watering plants and lawns.

Those who attend the workshop will be able to build a rain barrel and learn how to install it at their home. Cost is $20 per barrel for Grand Rapids residents and $30 for non-residents. All barrels and supplies are provided.

Those who would like to attend are asked to reserve a barrel in advance by calling Kristi at 616-451-3051 ext. 25 or by visiting and filling out the online registration form.

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