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Two friends, two faiths

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Monsignor Ancona and Rabbi Lewis, who have been friends for many years, discuss their shared experiences.
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Rabbi Albert Lewis and Monsignor Gus Ancona.

Rabbi Albert Lewis and Monsignor Gus Ancona.

Dominican Center at Marywood

will host an interfaith dialogue  Between Monsignor Gaspar F. Ancona and Rabbi Albert M. Lewis. 


Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 frp, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.


Monsignor Ancona and Rabbi Lewis have been faith leaders in our community for decades. This evening will be an opportunity to eavesdrop on these long-time friends as they discuss memorable shared experiences—things they have learned from each other about Christianity and Judaism and the ways they have helped each other to grow in faith. There will be time for questions from participants.


Registration is available online, or call DCM Receptionists at 616.454.1241 (Option 5 or 0). You still have time to get in on this interesting and informative discussion.

Cost: $20.00


This program is made possible in part by a grant from the Knights of Columbus, Council #8291, St. Paul the Apostle Parish, Grand Rapids.


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