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A Way: Out, Through, and Into

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

Life as we know it is changing rapidly and dramatically. In the relentless busyness of modern life, we have lost the rhythm between stillness and activity.
A Way: Our, Through, and Into ~ Program Facilitator

A Way: Our, Through, and Into ~ Program Facilitator /mwalstrom

Map to free parking at DCM.

Map to free parking at DCM.

Who doesn't need some direction?

Has your life felt mechanical, monotonous or empty? Wondering if this is all there is? Have you been trying various forms of self-improvement but haven't noticed any lasting progress?  Dominican Center at Marywood is offering an eight-session program facilitated by board-certified psychotherapist and spiritual director Mark Walstrom.

Here's the Program

A Way: Out, Through, and Into meets weekly on eight consecutive Tuesday-evenings from 7:00-9:00 p.m. (September 24-November 12, 2013). This is a psycho-spiritual program that offers participants a simple, yet life-changing, process for moving out of limiting, painful ways of living and into more natural, authentic, transparent, and enlivening ways of being.  The course draws on the inspiration and guidance of some contemporary sages who know this path intimately (Thomas Merton, Richard Rohr, Carl Jung, Joseph Campbell, Mark Nepo).  Through integrating spirituality with the social sciences we open up to a whole new way of being where we discover our deepest callings and true gifts. 

Meet the Facilitator

Mark Walstrom has been a psychotherapist for 25 years. He also completed a graduate certificate program in Holistic Health Care and is certified as a Spiritual Director. Since 1987 Mark has given particular attention in his work to exploring the interface between psychological and spiritual development with a special interest in the Enneagram, Christian Mysticism and Buddhist Mindfulness practices. He also hosted and co-produced Ideas That Matter:The Fetzer Dialogues, an NPR audio series focused on the themes of consciousness, spirituality and global transformation. For further information you may visit Mark's web site at  Mark is the founder of Community Circle, a monthly public dialogue group focused on personal and social transformation; and also the  co-founder of Chrysalis Community, a non-profit organization that offers retreats for people with life-threatening illness. Equally important is that he continue to consciously engage in the growth and transformation of his own personal life. (See map at right for directions to free parking on the beautiful campus of Domincan Center at Marywood.)


Cost: $300.00
Days, Dates & Times: Tuesdays: September 24-November 12, 2013 from 7:00-9:00 p.m.
Register online: CLICK HERE
Register by phone, or FOR additional information,  call DCM front desk at 616.514.3325


submitted: rsteers, dominican center

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