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German Band EINSHOCH6 performs at Aquinas College: November 1, 2017

Submitted 10-29-2017 under NONPROFITS

Engaging, fun, a musical feast! The German band EINSHOCH6 stands for a culturally unique performance of music, language, and word play by combining elements of classical music with hip-hop lyrics in a remarkable musical form!


German band EINSHOCH6 on U.S. tour, will perform at Aquinas on November 1

Submitted 10-18-2017 under NONPROFITS

Engaging, fun, a musical feast! The German band EINSHOCH6 stands for a culturally unique performance of music, language, and word play by combining elements of classical music with hip-hop lyrics in a remarkable musical form!


Join Us for Alternatives in Motion's 6th Annual AIM High Endurance Awards

Submitted 10-11-2017 under NONPROFITS

Alternatives in Motion would love to count you in for our 6th Annual AIM High Endurance Awards benefiting persons with disabilities in west Michigan.


Nonprofit volunteer fair scheduled for May 31

Submitted 05-16-2017 under NONPROFITS

Explore volunteer opportunities for summer!


Why I'm excited to be a teacher leader, even against the odds

Submitted 07-01-2016 under OPINION

Practical tips on how to influence education policy and become a Teacher Leader to improve education for all students.


'Hark Up with the Down Home Horns' to headline at Covenant Village of the Great Lakes

Submitted 06-20-2016 under NONPROFITS

Join Covenant Village of the Great Lakes for an old-fashioned Tent Revival Meeting with gospel music provided by Hark Up with the Down Home Horns.


Catalyst Radio: racial equity in Grand Rapids

Submitted 03-21-2016 under LOCAL LIFE

Host Katie Gordon speaks with Kyle Lim, project coordinator for Grand Rapids Urban League, on local issues of urban development and racial equity.


Exceptional teen wins Youth of the Year honor for Boys & Girls Clubs of Grand Rapids

Submitted 03-07-2016 under NONPROFITS

Ana Sosa named 2016 Youth of the Year representative from Grand Rapids; now vie for state title and scholarship.


Westside school to host lasagna dinner to raise funds for camp

Submitted 02-16-2016 under NEWS

Shawmut Hills 5th graders are hoping to bring together community and raise money for their annual trip to Camp Manitou-Lin with a lasagna dinner that has become a yearly event.


Principal of Shawmut Hills encourages neighbors to participate in Westside growth

Submitted 10-13-2015 under OPINION

The upper west side has only one park and it has not been updated since the mid 1950's.

