
Taking a serious look at the future of the Black community in GR

by (LINC News Bureau)

Submitted 10-25-2013 under NONPROFITS

When weighing the balance of history and the present, there's only one question that really matters: What will the future look like? "Empower Michigan", an initiative spearheaded by activists Jonathan Jelks, LINC Community Liaison...

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An Evening of Sufi Music in Grand Rapids

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 09-23-2013 under NONPROFITS

This rousing ensemble from Karachi, Pakistan boasts direct lineage to the 13th century musicians and singers assembled by the legendary poet Amir Khusrau: the first practitioners of qawwali music. Rarely is religious music so electric, as chanted...

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In Our Own Lives

by (vocalmusicworkshop)

Submitted 10-01-2012 under NONPROFITS

At the Vocal Music Workshop, we're all about changing people's lives through the power of music.  We wanted to take a minute to reflect on the power of music in our own lives.  The following are thoughts on how music has affected...

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Sufi Music of Islam

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 09-14-2012 under NONPROFITS

On Saturday, September 22 from 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. Sufi singer, Shabnam Merali will be performing at the Ladies Literary Club of Grand Rapids. Of Pakistani descent, she currently lives in Canada and is a Qawwālī & Ghazal singer, Ginan and...

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A Tale of Two Cities: Keys to economic sustainability in Grand Rapids

by (BHazekamp)

Submitted 05-17-2012 under OPINION

By: Nate Bell, Ben Hazekamp, Michael Phua, Ryan VanderPloeg Grand Rapids is a gem in Western Michigan, but it currently runs the risk of losing its luster. As the city has struggled to regain its footing after being rocked by the national recession...

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Diversity: embracing one's own and respecting others

by (Gwendolyn Nathan)

Submitted 04-17-2012 under VOICES

I have a personal definition of diversity: the concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique and emphasizes the importance of recognizing our individual differences. These can be along...

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Catalyst Radio: Not In Our Town

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 12-02-2011 under NONPROFITS

Don't have time to listen now? Download the MP3 and listen at your leisure.   INTERVIEW The community screening of a documentary about fighting hate crime is the focus of this week’s interview. Not In Our Town/ Stop Hate Together will...

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Diversity and Inclusion lecture series to start Wednesday

by (TEAM West MI)

Submitted 11-14-2011 under NONPROFITS

The Tolerance, Equality, and Awareness Movement (TEAM), a 501(c)(3) human rights organization in West Michigan, is launching its Diversity and Inclusion Lecture Series, part of its broader TEAM Diversity and Inclusion Program.   The Diversity...

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Grand Rapids Women's Chorus: Unity, inclusiveness and diversity through song

by (stevendavison)

Submitted 12-03-2010 under LOCAL LIFE

The sound of dozens of voices singing in harmony can be a powerful experience, one that brings a feeling of wholeness on a physical and emotional level. To achieve this takes a lot of practice and hard work on the part of the singers. This is what...

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Public Invited to 14th Annual DIA Events

by (grdominicans)

Submitted 06-11-2010 under NONPROFITS

The Dominican Institute for the Arts (DIA) is sponsoring two inspiring and life-changing events that are part of the DIA's 14th Annual Gathering of Dominican Artists: 1) A retreat for artists and those who appreciate art;...

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