
Forum provides opportunity to discuss environmental issues with local political hopefuls

by (Sierra Club Gra...)

Submitted 06-05-2018 under NONPROFITS

Are you passionate about health and local environmental issues? Join us Thursday, June 28, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at the Dominican Center at Marywood for a forum on environmental topics with local political hopefuls.  The Kent County Candidate...

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Father's Day Electronics Recycling Event at Comprenew

by (Comprenew_GR)

Submitted 05-29-2018 under NONPROFITS

Are you looking for a fun way to give back to your community with dad? Do you have an interest in technology or protecting the environment? Comprenew is inviting families to come dismantle electronics for recycling and learn more about the hazards...

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Going green in Grand Rapids: Properly disposing of your spring cleaning

by (HaleyK)

Submitted 05-16-2018 under OPINION

Out with the cold, in with the warm! After a month of record low temperatures and a few blankets of snow, it’s finally starting to warm up here in Grand Rapids! If you’ve procrastinated on breaking down and disposing some of those...

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WMEAC to host fourth annual Blue Tie Ball

by (dylangrosser)

Submitted 04-19-2018 under NEWS

One of the top political issues impacting Michigan today has to do with water. Whether it be the ongoing Flint water crisis, the controversial Enbridge pipeline Line 5, the permit for Nestlé bottling water from the state’s groundwater supply,...

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Screening of 'Nor Any Drop to Drink: The Flint Water Crisis' in Grand Rapids

by (Cedric Taylor)

Submitted 04-17-2018 under NONPROFITS

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan is without question one of the most serious man-made disasters in recent memory. Most of us undoubtedly have seen news reports of brown, brackish tap water, bags of hair, skin rashes, marches and protests, crowded...

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Your old printer, copier, scanner or fax machine may also put your data at risk

by (Comprenew_GR)

Submitted 02-09-2018 under NONPROFITS

Most people know that personal computers, tablets and mobile phones store personal data – data which can be retrieved if it is not erased or destroyed. But did you know that your peripheral devices – printers, etc. – also store...

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Greenpeace Report Card assesses top IT companies' commitment to "greener electronics"

by (Comprenew_GR)

Submitted 12-22-2017 under NONPROFITS

Greenpeace recently published its "2017 Guide to Greener Electronics Company Report Card," and it reveals there is room for improvement among the consumer electronics manufacturing industry in terms of reducing environmental impact. The...

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Catalyst Radio: WMEAC talks watersheds, pipelines, environmental conservation

by (Catalyst Radio)

Submitted 11-17-2017 under NONPROFITS

The West Michigan Environmental Action Council’s (WMEAC) Executive Director, Bill Wood, talks with host, Cindy Kamp, about initiatives to protect local watersheds, shut down Line 5, and encourage environmental conservation. WMEAC celebrates...

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"Free" CRT recycling is not free

by (Comprenew_GR)

Submitted 10-02-2017 under NONPROFITS

Remember the old, heavy TV or computer monitor from our childhood? Those older units used Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) technology to project the on-screen image. Today, most of us use a monitor or TV that uses newer flat-screen technology, yet many people...

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Community responds to Jurors' Shortlist: Amy Norkus at ArtPrize 9

by (Elizabeth Roger...)

Submitted 09-26-2017 under NEWS

The Rapidian and GRTV interviewed a variety of audience members after the Jurors' Shortlist event to get their reactions with the help of Community Journalist, Jim Moreno and Cameraman, Brandon Cooley. ArtPrize volunteer and community member,...

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