Grand Rapids Public Library

The New Black: Ethnicity in the Arts

by (grpl)

Submitted 12-16-2014 under

Debate rages about what is, or is not, Black art. Panelists will discuss what Black art is and how ethnicity has enhanced or hindered the current collection of artwork in the marketplace. They will examine the influence of ethnic art in West...

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Crazy Book Trailer Workshops

by (grpl)

Submitted 12-16-2014 under

Do you want hands-on experience filming or recording a video book trailer? Want some help finding free apps to edit your work? This workshop will show you how! iPad minis will be available for you to work with. For 5th-8th graders.

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Reading the Great Lakes

by (grpl)

Submitted 12-16-2014 under

Come explore the Lakes with us! We'll read a range of titles including mystery, history, fiction, and nonfiction all taking place in the Great Lakes region—from Chicago to Cleveland. This book club will be lead by our smart librarians and...

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Small Business Class: Small Business Research Essentials

by (grpl)

Submitted 12-16-2014 under

Join the Business Librarian for an informational journey through the library's small business resources. Arm yourself with the best business information available, and give yourself the upper hand whether you are starting or growing your...

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One Crazy Family Feud: 1968 Revisited

by (grpl)

Submitted 12-16-2014 under

Middle schoolers – bring your friends to compete in this zany game. Prove how smart you are by reading the One Book, One City for Kids 2015 pick One Crazy Summer and learn about 1968. Then compete to win prizes based on what you have learned.

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Genealogy Lock-In

by (grpl)

Submitted 12-16-2014 under

Come to the Grand Rapids History and Special Collections department for a free after-hours program just for genealogists! Learn how to use the microfilm reader/scanner/printer, save images, and take advantage of free copying and printing during the...

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(Don't) Follow your passion

by (sassaria)

Submitted 12-11-2014 under NONPROFITS

Hello, Grand Rapids classes of 2015! You’re going into your last semester as a high school student. The world is waiting out there. Many people will want to give you advice about what to do with your life. You’ll hear it everywhere. It...

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One Book, One City for Kids

by (grpl)

Submitted 11-24-2014 under

One Book, One City for Kids is an annual reading program that encourages all 5th graders in the city to read and discuss the same book. The program also strives to encourage a lifelong love of reading among students, to inspire readers to bring...

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Pre-Reading Classes for Kids

by (grpl)

Submitted 11-24-2014 under

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their preschoolers, ages 3 to 5, to 45-minute classes featuring literacy-rich activities such as interactive storytelling using puppets, dramatic play, and hands-on fun. Related songs, fingerplays, and...

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Pre-Reading Classes for Kids

by (grpl)

Submitted 11-24-2014 under

Parents and caregivers are invited to bring their preschoolers, ages 3 to 5, to 45-minute classes featuring literacy-rich activities such as interactive storytelling using puppets, dramatic play, and hands-on fun. Related songs, fingerplays, and...

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