Grand Rapids Public Library

Reading the Great Lakes

by (grpl)

Submitted 11-24-2014 under

Come explore the Lakes with us! We'll read a range of titles including mystery, history, fiction, and nonfiction all taking place in the Great Lakes region—from Chicago to Cleveland. This book club will be lead by our smart librarians and...

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Kevin Kammeraad's Seventh Annual Winter Wonderland Concert

by (grpl)

Submitted 11-24-2014 under

An interactive, all ages winter holiday show featuring Kevin Kammeraad and the Cooperfly Puppet Troupe. The show is filled with many well-known holiday songs and a couple of originals as well. Come join us for this popular holiday tradition!

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Ice Caves of Leelanau

by (grpl)

Submitted 11-24-2014 under

Ice, in all its glorious forms seen on and near Lake Michigan, is fleeting, even in the coldest of winter seasons. Last winter's polar vortex created beautiful ice caves. Author Ken Scott, an avid outdoor photographer, made frequent trips to the...

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Story Matters: Pamela Hamilton-Hull talks about principles learned at church

by (Elevating Voices)

Submitted 11-20-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall...

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Story Matters: Thelma J. Pitmon shares how gospel music has evolved over time

by (Elevating Voices)

Submitted 11-20-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall...

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Story Matters: Lynda McDonald remembers Rev. Williams' tenure at New Hope Baptist

by (Elevating Voices)

Submitted 11-19-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall...

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Story Matters: Marvin Leon James recalls joining New Hope Baptist church in 1960

by (Elevating Voices)

Submitted 11-18-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall...

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Story Matters: Blanche Babers recalls her experience teaching Sunday school

by (Elevating Voices)

Submitted 11-18-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall...

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Story Matters: Cora Lee Umphryes explains impact of church on her life

by (Elevating Voices)

Submitted 11-17-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall...

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Story Matters: Brenda Babers Taylor shares childhood memories of church

by (Elevating Voices)

Submitted 11-17-2014 under NONPROFITS

We build community when we share our stories - whether they be a memory, an experience or just simply telling what we think is great about this place. The Elevating Voices project is collaborating with 12 local nonprofits through the summer and fall...

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