
Focus on Life Benefit Dinner

by (grrtl)

Submitted 05-20-2015 under

Be a part of the 28th annual Focus on Life Benefit Dinner sponsored by Grand Rapids Right to Life.  This evening of celebrating life will take place on Monday, October 12, at 6:30 PM at DeVos Place ballrooms in downtown Grand Rapids.  The...

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Running for the health of it

by (chelsiewyse)

Submitted 03-18-2015 under OPINION

Last spring, I did something I never thought I would do: I trained and ran my first half marathon. As someone who used to hate even the word "running," this was one of the most challenging things I've done. This year, I will run the...

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Dominican Center programming offers ways to simplify complexities of life

by (rbarste)

Submitted 12-17-2014 under OPINION

Who doesn't need some direction? Has your life felt mechanical, monotonous or empty? Wondering if this is all there is? Have you been trying various forms of self-improvement but haven't noticed any lasting progress?  Dominican...

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Two fascinating local women explorers

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 07-17-2014 under NONPROFITS

VISUAL LECTIO DIVINA 086-102Facilitator: Debby Topliff, Artist, AuthorDay/Date/Time: Thursday, July 24; 6:30-8:30 p.m. On Thursday, July 24, Dominican Center is offering you the opportunity to dabble in the prayer/art of VIsual Lectio Divina....

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Something for everyone at Dominican Center in July

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 06-24-2014 under NONPROFITS

PARABLES ON FIRE: WHY JESUS TAUGHT ALMOST ENTIRELY USING PARABLES  086-100 Presenter: Joachim Lally, CSP, Paulist Priest, Artist, Musician Day/Date/Time: Tuesday, July 8; 7:00-9:00 p.m.Mark 4:34 states that Jesus in his public ministry only...

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Roberta F. King shares story of son's life in "He Plays a Harp"

by (Whitney Pavlica)

Submitted 04-29-2014 under LOCAL LIFE

Roberta F. King’s memoir, “He Play’s a Harp,” will be officially released May 11. The memoir is a collection of essays about the life and death of her son Noah, who was born prematurely with cerebral palsy and lived for 17...

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Men's Spirituality Breakfast Series: Hide and Seek with God - Finding and Being Found

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 04-21-2014 under NONPROFITS

Dominican Center at Marywood  invites men of all faiths to join us for the Men's Spirituality Breakfast on May 3, Saturday morning from  8:00-10:30 a.m. Father Joachim Lally, CSP will facilitate and lead the men in a thought-provoking...

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by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 03-05-2014 under NONPROFITS

Back by popular demand, Domnican Center at Marywood is repeating Mark Walstrom's  popular program A Way: Out, Through, and Into; in addition, Mark is adding the Level II stage class, A Way Through. If you are strugling to move...

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Two progams + one new year = revitalizing your life in 2014

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 01-08-2014 under NONPROFITS

Back by popular demand, Mark Walstrom (Board Certified Psychotherapist and Spiritual Director) will offer a repeat of his program A Way: Out, Through, and Into. Along with Mark's program, Dominican Center at Marywood is adding a second program...

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A Way: Out, Through, and Into

by (DominicanCenter...)

Submitted 09-03-2013 under NONPROFITS

Who doesn't need some direction? Has your life felt mechanical, monotonous or empty? Wondering if this is all there is? Have you been trying various forms of self-improvement but haven't noticed any lasting progress?  Dominican Center...

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