Until Love (and Money) is Equal

Submitted 11-14-2011 under OPINION

Economic concerns regarding the perpetuation of discrimination in Holland, Michigan and a call for support for Until Love is Equal.


Occupy GR to hold demonstration against Condoleezza Rice

Submitted 11-14-2011 under OPINION

The Kent GOP will host Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for the 124th Annual Lincoln Dinner on Wednesday. Occupy GR has planned a demonstration to protest the key roles that Secretary Rice held in the Bush Administration’s action leading into the Iraq war.


Taking lessons from R.I.T. Music

Submitted 11-11-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

How "one of Grand Rapids' most respected music shops" is still thriving after 25 years.


Uptown Kitchen: Cooking up a small business

Submitted 11-11-2011 under INNOVATION-SPOTLIGHT

A 23 year old college graduate takes a school assignment and turns it into a new local business set to open mid-December.


Hello, Goodbye, Hello again.

Submitted 11-11-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Join the Rapidian team as we welcome new members and bid a fond farewell over a beverage and a giant burger at Stella's Lounge on Thursday, December 1, 4-6 p.m.


Mental Infestation: The pioneers of nonsensical silly slam

Submitted 11-11-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Mental Infestation will be playing at The Dirty Hippie this Friday, November 11th. Learn a little about them before catching their show..


Catalyst Radio: DIY media in democratic Cambodia an act of resistance?

Submitted 11-11-2011 under NONPROFITS

Anne Elizabeth Moore talks about how her experiences in self-publishing in America informed her work in Cambodia when bringing the Riot Grrrl model to women who were performing an act of rebellion by publishing.


The Rapidian adds photo of the day archive and expands media map

Submitted 11-09-2011 under OPINION

From the Staff: A quick round of up some of things we've been working on since The Rapidian was relaunched in mid-September


All Ages Shall Call Her Blessed

Submitted 11-09-2011 under NONPROFITS

The Dominican Center is hosting an advent event based on the Magnificat, and invites you to join them on December 4 for an evening of reflection, prayer and song.


Black Elk Lives: Conversations with the Black Elk Family

Submitted 11-08-2011 under NEWS

Great-grandson of visionary Lakota leader to speak at Grand Rapids Main Public Library

