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Twitter #pressdebate conversation has us talking about how social media is used in traditional media. What do you think?

Go ahead, quote my tweets anywhere! It's a public forum.
28% (19 votes)
I don't mind being quoted but I like being asked first.
31% (21 votes)
Small disjointed comments make it too easy to be taken out of context. Permissions should be an ethical requirement.
27% (18 votes)
My twitter conversations are private conversations, not something to be used for news stories.
4% (3 votes)
Other (Please comment.)
9% (6 votes)
Total votes: 67

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In between

I do not particurally find anything unethical with using tweets as part of traditional media. I don't even necessarily find it lazy. I think it can add some context. However I do have an issue when Twitter (or other social media) is the only source used, as appears to be the case with the story that started #pressdebate.  There is no reporting going on when that is the case.  It seems kind of ironic that so many "legitimate" journalists give citizen journalism and bloggers a hard time, but then go publish stories that just use social media as a source. 

RE: In between

 Well said, Nick!
