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How do this year's ArtPrize entries compare to last year? Add your comments!

I'm seeing higher quality artwork.
8% (6 votes)
About the same.
16% (12 votes)
Not as impressive this year.
63% (48 votes)
Haven't seen enough to judge.
12% (9 votes)
Other-see my comment below.
1% (1 vote)
Total votes: 76

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all around not as intense

seems a little anti-climatic this year... or is it just me? lots of decent art... but not much on either end og the spectrum to ignite debate (no "SteamPig"?) ... kinda feeling letdown a little bit... so much so that I deflated in excitement on even covering it this year... i do have a couple favorites, but it seems that htere is just a ton of "so-so" stuff that'd be great on their own, but as part of Artprize? where is the Warhol or Rodin or Dali level of artist of our days if not at Artprize?
