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NW: Local Life


Ukrainian Catholic community struggles to stay afloat

Submitted 02-14-2012 under LOCAL LIFE

Upon entering the parish nave of St. Michael The Archangel, one’s senses are immediately inebriated with the colorful iconography and flowery incense. Hymns are chanted by the cantor and the censure bells rattle as the priest blesses the...

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Rebooting family game night

Submitted 12-06-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

"Most people don't realize that 20% or less of the games on the market are represented in stores like Wal-Mart or other mass retailers," estimates Priscilla Collins, co-owner of White Cap Comics. "Just in this store, on these four...

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Lounge act

Submitted 11-02-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

October 29, 2011 marked the last “hurrah” for Bridge Street icon Monte's Lounge. Though the bar may have shuttered its door as the last revelers staggered out into the brisk October evening, they will soon re-open, but under the...

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Spirits and Wine Author Reads at Schuler Books

Submitted 10-17-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

One might think to write a mystery book, you'd need to read a few mystery books. Not the case with Susan Newhof: she's more of a science fiction reader, and the oddities of that genre provided the groundwork she needed to write a mystery....

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Start a Canvolution: Host a Canning Party

Submitted 08-31-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

The canning bug is sweeping across America!  The last time canning was this popular was during WWII as women canned harvests from their Victory Gardens to win the war.  Today, people across the country are re-finding the joy and benefits...

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Urban Adventure Race Adds Twist to to ArtPrize 2011

Submitted 08-30-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Now that it is in its third year, Grand Rapidians know there are many strategies to fully experience ArtPrize. You can stroll around for a few whole days and take it in slowly, you can give it an hour or two every day for its duration, or you can...

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Barefoot Racing Hits Grand Rapids

Submitted 08-10-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Want to feel the earth move? On Sunday, August 28 the Merrell Naked Foot 5k will hit Grand Rapids and barefoot runners will have the chance to bolt over grass and dirt and be one with Riverside Park. The Merrell Naked Foot 5k series is new this year...

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Artifacts from Self Making at the GreenLion Gallery

Submitted 08-09-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

  Earlier this year the GreenLion Gallery opened its doors at 150 E Fulton, in downtown Grand Rapids. Recently I visited the gallery to view their current exhibition which includes work from Renee Zettle-Sterling's “Artifacts from...

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Grand Rapids Farmers Markets 101

Submitted 07-25-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Despite their rising presence in our city, many of us may have little to no prior knowledge about farmers markets. Perhaps we have lumped them into the category of flea markets, estate states, craft shows; essentially anything we would have to...

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Lovin' the hubbub over senior lipdub

Submitted 07-17-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

The attention just keeps on coming for the seniors at Clark Retirement Community.  Less than one week after launch of the first all-senior lipdub video, view totals on Vimeo and YouTube have gone over 300,000.  As their video goes viral,...

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