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NW: Local Life


2011 Grand Rapids Bicycle Summit inspires community to be bicycle friendly

Submitted 05-17-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

On Friday, May 6, over 200 attendees and 25 exhibitors found themselves assembling at GVSU’s Eberhard Center for the Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition’s (GGRBC) 2011 Bicycle Summit. With the tagline “Inspiration to Action,...

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Grand Rapids Griffins excel in community involvement

Submitted 05-16-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

If you've ever been to a Grand Rapids Griffins hockey game, then you know they can put on an entertaining hockey game, but it's what is done behind the scenes that makes those games so exciting. I had the opportunity to sit down with...

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Cultivating A Sense of Place: Becoming a Forager & Land Steward

Submitted 05-11-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Our culture is starting to shift. We are beginning to understand the connection between healthy soil and healthy people. We are beginning to make choices and invest in good, healthful and local whole foods as part of our health insurance. Lifestyles...

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River Bank Run Runner: Katie Woodruff

Submitted 05-11-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

The race of choice: 25k (15.5 miles). This is her first River Bank Run 25k. "I'd thought about it for years, but always, by the time the weather was decent enough to run any serious mileage outside, it was April and really too late to start...

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River Bank Run Runner: Laurie Craft

Submitted 05-09-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

The race of choice: 10k (6.2 miles). "I ran the 10k last year and enjoyed challenging myself. My goal is always to run a little faster than the last one. I like doing the River Bank Run because it's fun to be part of that big crowd and I...

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Fulton St. Farmer's Market opening day

Submitted 05-07-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Winter is over: this is the message reverberating off sidewalks and garages surrounding the Midtown neighborhood as couples, families, dogs, cyclists and tons and tons of babies crowd the sidewalks. They came to the opening day at Fulton Street...

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Valentiger: The Speed of Culture

Submitted 05-05-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Matt Jarrells catches up with independent Grand Rapids band Valentiger in the wake of the release and tour in support of Oh, To Know!  The interview was recorded at a corner table at west side best-kept-secret The Kopper Top Restaurant, Tuesday...

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2011 Grand Rapids Bicycle Summit a call to action as part of National Bike Month

Submitted 05-02-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

May is National Bike Month and on Friday, May 6, GVSU’s Eberhard Center will host the Greater Grand Rapids Bicycle Coalition’s (GGRBC) 2011 Grand Rapids Bicycle Summit: “Inspiration to Action." GGRBC Interim Director, Tom...

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Wild, weedy & edible: the infamous garlic mustard

Submitted 04-28-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

What is the adage, "A weed is a plant that is growing where you don't want it?" Abundant in areas of disturbed soil - at the forest's edge, along roadsides, and on river floodplains, the garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) is...

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Grand Rapids Public Libraries' pre-reading programs: Getting them started young

Submitted 04-25-2011 under LOCAL LIFE

Grand Rapids Public Libraries are helping parents with their children’s language development. At all of the branches the libraries offer three different sessions: Pre-Reading Classes for Babies, Pre-Reading Classes for Toddlers, and Pre-...

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