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What effect do you think our newly elected officials will have on the state?

Job markets will improve, Michigan will flourish
7% (5 votes)
It will be better for some but not all
21% (15 votes)
Politics as usual will result in no change
30% (21 votes)
We'll be worse off the next few years
36% (25 votes)
Other (please comment)
6% (4 votes)
Total votes: 70

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It depends...

I think the idea that either of our two parties is going to do a good job at governance inherently because of their respective party's historical campaign rhetoric and brand indentity is preposterous.  Our new governor will do as good of a job - or not, as he is able to, regardless of his political affiliation. The same goes for the other newly elected officials.  If they do well, as citizens we win.  If they don't, as citizens we suffer for it.  This holds true for everyone, Republican or Democrat or otherwise.

The day after the election, what do we have to base answers to this sort of question on?  Rhetoric?  Marketting run amok in the form of campaign ads?  We're not going to find out the real answers until the people have had a chance to try - and possibly fail.  Good luck to them good luck to us.
