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What's on your plate? Are you a vegan, vegetarian, omnivore?

I'm a vegan, no animal products at all.
14% (10 votes)
I'm a vegetarian, maybe eating things like eggs and milk.
19% (14 votes)
I'm not a vegetarian, but don't eat meat often.
14% (10 votes)
I'm an omnivore, eating plants and animals.
33% (24 votes)
I used to be vegan/vegetarian, but went back to eating meat.
7% (5 votes)
I eat meat, but make sure the animals were humanely treated.
12% (9 votes)
Other, let me explain (comment).
1% (1 vote)
Total votes: 73

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a locavore ominvore is my goal.

We sure eat a lot less meat than in the past, but whether meat products or produce, I try to find and support local food producers/farmers/independent local businesses. 

This week's poll!

This week's poll was inspired by the VeganGR article, and the conversation that followed.


PS: I used to be a lacto-ovo-pesco vegetarian. I ate milk and egg products and fish. But no meats. There are five different kinds of vegetarians!


