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Science on Tap!: What have we learned from Martian Robots?

Thursday, January 14, 2016


We are proud to partner with GVSU to bring this once-a-month special event to Grand Rapids!  Each month a Grand Valley professor delivers a short (20-30 minute) presentation on a different science related topic that is affecting our community, the lecture is followed by an open forum question-and-answer session and free discussion.  A great chance to exercise your academic interests in a casual setting and raise the level of public discourse while raising a pint!

January Topic: What have we learned from Martian Robots?

The Human invasion of Mars has begun. A fleet of robots, first, to surveil the planet from orbit, then landers to take more pictures and chemically analyze the soil and atmosphere, then roving robots with laser eyes to study every detail. If you could, would you go on a one-way trip to Mars? Do you know someone you might like to send instead? What’s the weather like on Mars and how should you pack? And, is there beer on Mars? Come to this Science on Tap, hosted by GVSU’s Dr. Doug Furton, for details to help you plan your trip.

Check for more info and updates at the Science On Tap GR Facebook page

Event Type: Arts-Entertainment 

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