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The ArtPrize Runway

An article discussing "Runway", an ArtPrize piece at Gina's Boutique.

Gina’s Boutique displays fashion illustrations

Nicky Sczesny's ArtPrize contribution, Runway can be seen at Gina’s Boutique, a fitting venue for this local artist to show her fashion illustrations

Nicky Sczesny's ArtPrize contribution, Runway can be seen at Gina’s Boutique, a fitting venue for this local artist to show her fashion illustrations.  Sczesny is an illustration major at Kendall College of Art and Design.

Sczesny's series of three paintings gouache and glitter, depict three models on a fashion runway. The style of these pieces is graphic, minimalistic, and geometric. The line work is intriguing, not only in the dress work but the audience line work. It is very reminiscent of fashion illustrators from the 50’s and 60’s. The model is wearing a red, orange, and yellow gown from Zac Posen’s 2013 fall collection. The gown brings a lot of drama to the pieces; it is colorful, voluminous, and elegant. The progression of the models walking down the runway is another interesting factor in the series. This series is worth seeing, so go out and support a local artist at a local boutique. 

Gina's Boutique is located at Monroe Plaza.

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