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Power seven more years of community journalism

This dispatch was added by one of our Nonprofit Neighbors. It does not represent the editorial voice of The Rapidian or Community Media Center.

The Rapidian celebrated its seventh birthday on September 15, 2016 and we invite you to continue supporting it with both your words and your wallet.

/John Rothwell

Underwriting support from:

To donate

Online gifts can be made on our secure website at

Managing Editor, Kiran Sood Patel cutting The Rapidian's birthday cake

Managing Editor, Kiran Sood Patel cutting The Rapidian's birthday cake /Wayne Glatz

Elizabeth Rogers Drouillard greeting at The Rapidian's celebration

Elizabeth Rogers Drouillard greeting at The Rapidian's celebration /Wayne Glatz

We at The Rapidian love helping you get your articles written and your pieces online for our larger community to see. The power of community journalism is in the hands of the people who create it and we love when you get your voice out to greater Grand Rapids.

The Rapidian celebrated its seventh birthday on September 15, 2016, wrapping up our three summer series events and kicking off our Fall Fund Drive.

We so enjoyed introducing our new Managing Editor, Kiran Sood Patel, to you and hosting gatherings for people who wanted to be ArtPrize reporters, attend our Intro to Community Journalism event and come to our Community Journalism Workshop.

Sometimes you are chomping at the bit and can’t wait to write, you’re so excited to get published. Others of you are downright surprised when we tell you that you have a compelling story or point of view and should share it with the rest of the world. We may even have to hold your hand a bit as you foray into new territory. Others actively say “I’m not a writer, but I care about…” and you write your piece anyway because the passion for your cause or point of view overrides your personal misgivings about your ability to write. Others say, “I’m a writer but I haven’t written an article before,” and you step into a new avenue of expression.

No matter where you are coming from, we are excited by your participation and excited to help you publish your articles.

Community journalism that is also community-powered is a rare thing in our media landscape. That The Rapidian is not only written by local Grand Rapidians but financially supported by you as well is special. To have lasted seven years is a big deal.

The Rapidian, as a community journalism platform, means your words make us what we are. And your money helps sustain and support our platform.

As we look forward to this next year and the next seven years, we invite you to continue supporting The Rapidian with both your words and your wallet.

Our Fall Fund Drive goes through this Friday, October 7, 2016. We invited you to donate to seven more years of community journalism on The Rapidian here.

Online gifts can be made on our secure website at

The Rapidian, a program of the 501(c)3 nonprofit Community Media Center, relies on the community’s support to help cover the cost of training reporters and publishing content.

We need your help.

If each of our readers and content creators who values this community platform help support its creation and maintenance, The Rapidian can continue to educate and facilitate a conversation around issues for years to come.

Please support The Rapidian and make a contribution today.

Comments, like all content, are held to The Rapidian standards of civility and open identity as outlined in our Terms of Use and Values Statement. We reserve the right to remove any content that does not hold to these standards.
