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What is likely to be your holiday shopping plan?

Black Friday...Bring it on!
9% (7 votes)
I shop mostly online.
13% (10 votes)
I buy throughout the year. I’m practically done.
8% (6 votes)
I make most of my presents.
11% (8 votes)
I find my gifts by browsing small neighborhood shops.
25% (19 votes)
Is it January yet?
20% (15 votes)
Other (please comment)
14% (11 votes)
Total votes: 76

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My wife and I choose to

My wife and I choose to abstain from all of the commercialized gift-giving this time of year. It's makes the holidays so much more fun and I highly recommend it!

I heard of an idea that I

I heard of an idea that I truly enjoy. Everyone in a family picked a name of someone else in the family and had to come up with a way of sharing what they would give that person if they had unlimited resources. They could do it visually, verbally, symbolically... the results were very creative and thoughtful.


I suggest MichiganAwesome apparel made and shipped locally from south division at citizenshirt.

RE: MichiganAwesome

nice plug, jon. thanks for the "PSA." ;)



yes, shameless, sorry.. but it IS local :-) 

 Unless I get a job from

 Unless I get a job from Sandy Claws, it's lumps of coal all around this year. I think I have enough in savings to pick up a small bag of charcoal.

Several of the above

 I do make some of my gifts, shop throughout the year at local shops and art fairs and try to finish up mostly before Thanksgiving.

Lots of neighborhood options!

Looks like Heartside and UICA are doing special markets, too!

West Michigan Co-op

I try and buy as many presents as possible through the West Michigan Co-op.

Ordering for the month of December starts on Dec. 4. Good stuff - candies, coffee, soaps, etc. All from local producers.

Uptown baby!

The Uptown Shop Hop is Thursday, December 2nd, from 4-9PM for those who find gifts by "browsing small neighborhood shops." Free trolley rides in and between Wealthy St, East Hills (Cherry/Lake/Diamond), Fulton St, and Eastown.
