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Posted: 12 years 28 weeks

Good-news holiday update in three parts:

  1. Holiday open house for gift buying!
  2. An invitation to West Michigan businesses.
  3. Announcement of "Shop Holland"...
Posted: 12 years 28 weeks

The Wealthy Theatre screening of the remastered HD version of "The Blues Brothers" takes place Wednesday, Dec. 7 at 8 p.m. This special presentation is an honorary Meanwhile Movie, an...

Posted: 12 years 28 weeks

A family event that will delight and inspire people of all ages, we will begin our journey on Sunday afternoon, December 11, 2011 at 5:30 p.m. with a candlelight walk led by the Three Kings...

Posted: 12 years 28 weeks

I was an arts junkie in high school. With the plays, musicals, choir, private voice lessons, and creative writing, I had found my place in the high school world. I felt pretty excited and...

Posted: 12 years 28 weeks

There is still time left to spread a little hope and cheer this season through Heart of West Michigan United Way's holiday Adopt a Family...

Posted: 12 years 28 weeks

UICA's 23rd Annual Holiday Artists' Market is right around the corner and we asked a few of the artists some questions about their products for the market. Below Lisa Price answered our...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Reports of its birth vary: Either Westminster Presbyterian Church began with 10 members--or with 25; with a minister who was paid $500--or $1000; as a...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Our society is opening doors for entrepreneurs to accomplish most anything they set their minds to. With technology and social media advances serving as the floodgates for this sea of...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Political reporting has always been at the forefront of journalism. From the muckrakers of the 20s, 30s and 40s through Woodward and Bernstein up to the modern day bloggers, political reporting...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

I wasn’t sure what to expect from Sass Fest. It was promoted as "an event celebrating doing it together: music,...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Kiara Baskins was in kindergarten when she started going to Eastown Ministries, a Christian outreach program at...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Dominican Center at Marywood is hosting a free lecture and book signing tonight from 6:30-7:30 p.m., featuring local professor and...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Don't have time to listen now? Download the mp3 and listen at your leisure.

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

A hot new chain restaurant opens up in town. Some are excited. Others are dismayed and prefer to only dine at locally-owned restaurants. Does it really matter? According to Melissa English,...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Holiday shopping has become something of a circus, with every business vying for your attention with their specially conceived fanfares. I haven’t even been to the mall recently but I have...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Back in September, I wrote a piece on how small the world is for inner city children. Lack of opportunities to experience activities children from more affluent families take for granted hinders...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

So, what’s better: a "found" letter describing the “dopest fish ever” in Grand Rapids or a "found" exercise VHS circa 1980-something featuring Angela Lansbury...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten we belong to each other." (Mother Teresa)

When “other people” are victims of hate...

Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

Students from the Academy of Design and Construction at Union High School participated in this year’s Art Van Santa Parade presented by the Grand Rapids Jaycees this past weekend.


Posted: 12 years 29 weeks

UICA's 23rd Annual Holiday Artists' Market is right around the corner and we asked a few of the artists some...

Posted: 12 years 30 weeks

Think about the last meal, snack, or handful of whatever that you ate. Did it contain meat? Was it organic? Local? Do you know how your meal,...

Posted: 12 years 30 weeks
Tagged: OccupyGR

Unlike the large demonstrations all over the country following the Occupy movement that started in New York City this fall, Occupy Grand Rapids has been fairly quiet. After their initial...

Posted: 12 years 30 weeks

Promising to afix a massive rainbow-shaped neon sculpture to the side of their prominent downtown building, Open Concept Gallery won $276 at last night's...

Posted: 12 years 30 weeks
Tagged: literacy

The Literacy Center of West Michigan, along with literacy champions Mayor George Heartwell and Bing Goei, announced the Community Literacy Initiative (CLI), a literacy coalition that seeks to...

Posted: 12 years 30 weeks

On December 10th, The Pyramid Scheme is holding a charity benefit called...

Posted: 12 years 30 weeks

Death is a part of life, something everyone deals with in his or her own way. When I was twelve years old and my grandmother’s organs were shutting down, I made wishes every day that by some...

Posted: 12 years 30 weeks

This past weekend, the Grand Rapids Art Museum hosted the Film Art & Literature Symposium, promising a conversation about “The Michigan Perspective.” As both a recent Michigan...
