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Ethics and Religion Talk: Does Theology Need Philosophy and Psychology?

Submitted 05-08-2023 under OPINION

"Dino" asks, "How can practical theology be practiced without psychology and philosophy?"


Ethics and Religion Talk: The Difference Between Welcoming and Inclusive

Submitted 05-01-2023 under OPINION

Many spiritual communities have signs in front of their places of worship proclaiming that 'All Are Welcome,' but is that really true? If gay couples can't receive communion there, if women can't be ordained there, and if transgender people can't serve there, then are ALL people really welcome there


Ethics and Religion Talk: Beware of Entering Debates on Religion!

Submitted 04-24-2023 under OPINION

Do the panelists have any ground rules for entering into a religious argument or debate?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Is the Death Penalty Ethical?

Submitted 04-17-2023 under OPINION

Can you imagine any circumstances which would justify imposing a death penalty? What standard of proof or evidentiary requirements would you require in order to consider a death penalty to be an ethical and fair punishment?


My Fair Lady, Lightly Updated, Graces The Stage

Submitted 04-13-2023 under OPINION

A new production of the classic musical retains all the charm of the original while granting Eliza Doolittle more dignity than she's ever had.


Ethics and Religion Talk: Do Dress Codes Discriminate Against Women?

Submitted 04-10-2023 under OPINION

How would your tradition speak to the question of differing dress standards for men and women?


Ethics and Religion Talk: How Do You Help People Who Have a Pattern of Making Poor Decisions?

Submitted 04-03-2023 under OPINION

How much are you obligated to help someone who is continually in a bind because of poor decisions and bad judgment, when you have already tried to point out that they could avoid this problem in the future if they made different decisions?


Ethics and Religion Talk: Where do Sermons Come From?

Submitted 03-27-2023 under OPINION

Where do your ideas for sermons come from?


STOMP Brings Imagination and Noise to DeVos Performance Hall

Submitted 03-21-2023 under OPINION

STOMP proves creative, energetic, and overlong.


Ethics and Religion Talk: What is a Legitimate Religious Practice?

Submitted 03-21-2023 under OPINION

Does the idea that human beings are created in the image of God gives us the divine ability to create and destroy the world around us?

